¨è classification of injury
¥¡. laryngotracheal
. fracture of thyroid cartilage
. recurrent laryngeal nerve injury
. vocal cord disruption
. soft tissue hematoma formation - displace , compression of upper
air way
¥¢. pharyngoesophageal
. esophageal injury is rare
. usually conjuction with laryngotracheal injury
¥£. vascular
. initially less damage than penetrating injury
. catotid artery injury - intramural hematoma , intimal tear
thrombosis , pseudoaneurysm
. mechanism of thrombosis formation
(1) direct blow to neck
(2) blow to head that cause hyperextension and rotation of head
and lateral neck flexion result in stretch injury to vs.
(3) blunt intraoral trauma
(4) basilar skull fracture
. onset of neurologic symptom : immediate
delayed 1-48 hr , as long as 2 wk
2. clinical feature
. dyspnea , dysphagia , odynopha¡¦(»ý·«)