1216room 729-24 Bongcheon-dong
Gwanak-gu S.KOREA
TEL : +82-2-835-4993
Successfully conducted depositions and trials in a variety of media and commercial cases.
Achieved favorable resolution of complex, difficult-to-win cases through meticulous work and deployment of group-supported strategies.
Achieved notable results through expertise in state and federal court brief-writing.
Practiced before administrative boards and arbitrators.
Attained numerous credits in all phases if civil litigation in state and federal courts.
Reduced costs through management of department in creditors` rights and bankruptcy cases.
¡Û¡Û¡Û , Saams & Heartman, New York, NY
Senior Associate, January 1994 to Present
Prepared summary judgment motion. Researched and drafted memoranda for corporate and litigation matters. Observed deposit¡¦(»ý·«)
he Junior League
Consultant - New York Legal Aid Board